Monday, October 22, 2007

Thing #1

By playing with Web 2.0 tools, my first goal is to become more comfortable with using them and to understand what they are. Eventually I hope to find 3-4 of them that I enjoy using and that are useful for the school library. I look forward to the conversation and to learning some new things.
There were a number of obstacles - oops, challenges - to setting up the blog: finding a name that wasn't already taken, understanding how to edit and make changes, how to use the different tabs. But in the end, with everyone helping each other, it wasn't too hard. It may get harder as there are more posts to manage.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I think we're very lucky to have such a large support group going through this together. I think I ended up going back and using about 3-4 of the tools more often so your goal seems very appropriate. I'm trying to revisit them again with the librarians so maybe more will "stick".